Zucchini Basil Spring Rolls

Girl Eats Greens

Since we’ve been back to the States I have been seriously missing all the amazing food we ate on vacation. In the three weeks we’ve been back, I’ve ordered Thai food from our favorite neighborhood spot at least three times. Between ordering Asian food, I’ve decided I need to try my hand at making a few things so I stop making a run to Land every few days. I decided the easiest place to start would be the spring roll. It requires no cooking, about 10 minutes, and can be made with whatever’s laying around the fridge. Sounds pretty perfect, right?


I was inspired after I found myself in the “specialty” section of the local grocer when I was looking for coconut milk. (Really? Coconut milk is a specialty item?) I stumbled across rice paper wrappers and I knew I had to try my  hand at spring rolls. I had…

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