Focus on a Tree en Plein Air

Recollections 54 The Art of David Tripp

Tree in my Backyard Tree in my Backyard

I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work–a life’s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.

William Faulkner, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

This morning when I read these words from Faulkner, I felt his nod of affirmation toward anyone who tries to create.  The moment class ended today, I bolted for my studio so I could give this plein air sketch begun yesterday afternoon one more push.  As I worked over the details, I thought of all artists, musicians and writers–those who try and seize those impulses in their consciousness, mull over them, and then give them some kind of recognizable form for others to see and feel.

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Zucchini Basil Spring Rolls

Girl Eats Greens

Since we’ve been back to the States I have been seriously missing all the amazing food we ate on vacation. In the three weeks we’ve been back, I’ve ordered Thai food from our favorite neighborhood spot at least three times. Between ordering Asian food, I’ve decided I need to try my hand at making a few things so I stop making a run to Land every few days. I decided the easiest place to start would be the spring roll. It requires no cooking, about 10 minutes, and can be made with whatever’s laying around the fridge. Sounds pretty perfect, right?


I was inspired after I found myself in the “specialty” section of the local grocer when I was looking for coconut milk. (Really? Coconut milk is a specialty item?) I stumbled across rice paper wrappers and I knew I had to try my  hand at spring rolls. I had…

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Green Juicing on My New Kitchen

Clean Machine: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Drinking Green Juice

 Clean Machine: 5 Things to Know About Drinking Green Juice


Every morning, Monday through Friday, I try to stick to a pretty healthy routine. Not only do I feel better when I have a consistent schedule, but I’m also more productive and have more “me” time at the end of the day. I like to wake up, make breakfast, work out, and drink a big glass of green juice before getting down to work for the rest of the day. Drinking my greens is one of the best parts of my mornings, and I try to do it every day to get a big boost of vitamins and nutrients. But only recently did I learn that there are a few facts every girl should know when it comes to sipping those greens

With a little help from our expert nutritionist Shira Lenchewski, RD, today I’ll be sharing my smart girl’s guide to drinking green juice. Take a peek below to find out everything you need to know about getting juiced…


I am in real need of a green juice so I headed off to my newly refurbished Geneva kitchen cabinets, got my blender and mix fresh kale and other green leafies. Anyone else make green juice out of these veggies? I dont know which – broccoli, kale, cabbage, bok choy cause gas and bloating?

 Found an aswer

Gas and Bloating After Drinking a Green Smoothie

Good read:

Can a $400 Blender Change Your Life?

When you first buy a Vitamix 5200, the so-called Ferrari of blenders, two thoughts are likely to pass through your mind. The first is “Did I really just spend more than $400 on a blender?” And the second is “This machine is going to change my life.”

 At least those are the thoughts I had after I bought my Vitamix at a nutrition-related conference several weeks ago. I hadn’t planned to make this purchase; I’d merely followed some colleagues to the Vitamix demonstration stand, where a fast-talking young man with a headset and an impressive dexterity with Dixie cups was offering samples to an enthusiastic crowd. I watched as he liquefied a pineapple. I witnessed him puree an entire clove of garlic, unpeeled. I tried a sample of a green smoothie, then a tortilla soup, then a blended cappuccino. Before I knew what had happened, I’d taken out my credit card. The damage? $429.89—and that was with a discount.